My Daze in Neverland

The Adventures of Darren in Neverland and the surrounding territories

My Photo
Location: Sacramento, California, United States

I am a 27 years old, 6'3" tall, little kid. I am a full time student and Part time wandering adventurer.In august I finally went on my big hundred mile hike. I share an apartment with one of my brothers. (I have seven of them [brothers, that is, not apartments] and one sister) This year I intend to expand my adventuring repertoire to include Sailing and Canyoneering. backpacking trip this summer.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What does a kiss on the cheek mean?

Ryann and I had a good talk on Sunday night I told her that I needed her to communicate with me what she was feeling because I was starting to struggle with... well this is how it was, when we would be sitting and I would have my arm around her, after a while, I would get the thought "what if she doesn't love me?" I have told her I love her on a few occasions and her response has been that she did know what she wants. This was getting hard. I need to know more of what she is thinking and feeling. Sunday night she told me and it was helpful, and gives me more hope.

In Sunday school Bill had given everyone some mistletoe and this lead us to a discussion about kissing, she said that sometimes she wants to kiss me but doesn't know if she is ready. During our talk sunday night I had the thought/ desire that I should kiss her; then she could figure it out.

I didn't kiss her. That is not how I do things.

Wednesday morning I went to see her and on my way, I thought "I should give her a kiss."

I happen to have strong opinions about this sort of thing. Hugs are free, they mean hello or good bye and are a token of friendship. Holding hands means I like being with you and I am comfortable having you close to me. A kiss means "I love you" if I can't say it to a girl I won't kiss her. Sex is only for after marriage, and means something deeper than "I love you."

I have never really worked out what a kiss on the cheek means, but Wednesday morning as I was leave I kissed Ryann on the cheek. As I write this I guess that means my half of the I love you.

Friday, December 07, 2007

people want More of my stuff

Last night the thieves from the night before came back and this time the took the whole car. I went out this morning to leave and see Ryann before going to the temple with Dru and found an empty parking space. My car had in it some the lab book for my geography class with a months worth of unturned in work in it. GRRRRRRR. I am a bit put out.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Why do other people want my stuff so much?

For the second time this year I have had a car broken into and stuff stolen. I really don't have that cool of stuff and have a hard time understanding why other people want my stuff so badly that they will open up my car and take it. I don't even want it badly enough to do that. This time it was a camera (an old pentax SLR, with a nice but old telephoto lens), my car stereo, and my temple bag, that is the one that bugs me.

I had finaly gotten around to replacing my bike (which was stolen out of my car over the summer) and now I need to replace something else, what a hassle.

Papers and Tests

We have reached the season of papers and tests. Today I turned in a History paper on the role of the mongols in history, I had done to much research though and the challenge was t keep the paper to only three pages. I have two papers, one of them is seven pages minimum, left and two in class presentations with write ups, and a couple of tests. I also have a few labs left to turn in before the semester ends. It is going to be a busy two weeks.

Monday, December 03, 2007


I have been thinking a little bit about Amulek.

He was not what we'd think of as an "active member of the church" but I assume that for the most part he was righteous. Then he saw an angel. It didn't tell him to repent; only to go and feed someone. The Lord trusted Amulek to do as he was commanded. from that point forward Amulek testified of the goodness and power of God. There were still many things he learned but he went and did whatever the Lord asked him and had great faith.

I want to be like that. I want the Lord to trust me enough to say "go and help this person" and know that I will do it. Amulek had to sacrifice everything he had (he was forced to flee the city and then it was destroyed) but he never complained. His faith is an inspiration to me.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Happy birthday Ryann

Today is Ryann's birthday, so we spent the morning together.

First thing this morning I took Sarah to work then I went to long's and got a gift box so I could better wrap Ryann's birthday present. I had gotten a subscription to Real Simple (a magazine I knew she would like from my trips with her to grocery stores) and I had a copy of the magazine to give her today. That was wrapped but not that well so I put it in a gift box and then I wrapped the box and added a bow.
when she opened it she was very pleased.

We walked from her Grandparents to Annie's dinner where we had breakfast and root beer floats. I had their egg burrito which has a very good salsa, and she had eggs and french toast. On the walk back she nearly froze as the wind had picked up a bit and the sun was behind a cloud. We then sat and talked a while and finally I left with an injunction for her to do some homework.

After that I went by Grandpa's and picked some persimmons for him. We talked a bit (Nana has been on my mind lately) and then I visited parents briefly and now I have to go to work.