My Daze in Neverland

The Adventures of Darren in Neverland and the surrounding territories

My Photo
Location: Sacramento, California, United States

I am a 27 years old, 6'3" tall, little kid. I am a full time student and Part time wandering adventurer.In august I finally went on my big hundred mile hike. I share an apartment with one of my brothers. (I have seven of them [brothers, that is, not apartments] and one sister) This year I intend to expand my adventuring repertoire to include Sailing and Canyoneering. backpacking trip this summer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I share a pun and pass judgment

One day a bit of Oxygen says to the two bits oh Hydrogen he lives with “ I am leave you to pursue a life of tranquility taking pictures if the woods” To this announcement of of the bits of Hydrogen says “go ahead and leave. You’re just an ancillary atom anyway”

It this pun made you laugh you are a nerd with an under developed sense of humor.

If this joke made you shake your head and feel moderately embarrassed for me because I thought of it then you are a smart cookie with a well developed sense of humor and social decorum.

If you didn’t get this joke enough to have either of the above reactions then you are likely under educated.


I just got sniped on EBay. This is the first time it has happed to me and it is REALLY annoying. I checked the item I was bidding on with 4 min left and I was still fine I look again five min later and it says I was out bid. ARRRRRGGG. I am thinking moderately violent thoughts towards gabrieldeshan right now.

Darn Theives

this weekend I got less sleep that usual. A little more than none but not as much as I would hope. that didn't mean that I was able to fall asleep when I climbed into bed at 10:00 sunday night. I was still awake around 11:00 when Crystle R called and asked me if I was still planning to head out Kayaking under the full moon. I decided that it still sounded like fun so I told her to meet me at my parents house between 11:30 and midnight.

I loaded my new Kayak up and grabbed everything we would need and when Crystle arrived we drive out to the lake. The full moon gave plenty of light and the night was beautiful. We stayed on the lake until I was all the way soaked then we headed back. Pretty quickly after getting back up to the car little thinks seemed wrong. I was sure that I had brought my hooded sweater but I couldn't find it, and the car smelled faintly of cigarette smoke. Then I noticed that the things that would normally have been under the seats where infront of the seats so I asked Crystle to check and make sure her things were still where she left them. They were not. As best I can figure the rear hatch didn't latch after I unloaded the paddles and while we were on the lake someone climbed in and burglerized us.

Crystle lost her keys and cell phone, I lost my book bad (I really liked that backpac and they no longer make that design :( In the book bag I had three rented dvds, and my cell phone and some mail. I was affraid that my mothers wallet had been in the car but as soon as we got back to the house I saw it. Crystle called cingular to get her phone turned off and my mother heard us talking and came down stairs. I told her what happened and she went back to bed.

While talking to my mother it occurred to me that my keys and Crystle keys were both taken as well as documentation with my address and my parents address on it. So, we decided it would be a bad idea to leave Crystles car infront of the house as had been the original plan. She called her roadside assistance people and they said we would have a tow truck in half an hour or so. Crystle and I sat in Davids car and talked and I dozed off. Aparently my dozing off did not mean that we stopped talking and according to Crystle my Subconscious mind thinks redheads are evil. In fact it told her so.

After two hours we called back the tow truck people and the finaly showed up around 5:30. We got Crystle's car back to her place and after much door banging she was able to get inside.

Around 6:30am I went to bed. I slept a few hours and still made it to school on time. I hope Crystle was able to get her Key issue fixed today my appartment will be rekeyed tomarrow.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Big $pender

The past 24hrs I have spent more money that I have spent in the whole month prior. I have been rather indulgent in the little things, such as buying ingrediants for a fancy salad when a sinpler one would do or buying a bag of candy just because. I also have made some long term purchases. In priesthood session the prophet reemphasized the value of food storage, so I have been working on getting 6-12 monthes for Jeremy and I. In cased of emegancy we will be living on rice, oatmeal and peanut butter sandwiches. Yesterday I invested $50 or so that direction. I also saw a piece of camping gear that I don't have and thought to be useful so I bought it another $10 gone.

While at work I looked on ebay but I had the self control not to buy a wet suit, mainly based on the thought that It probably wouldn't fit. Then today I spent the big money... I bought a second Kayak. One of the local rental places was selling off some of their of their invitory for the winter and I went and looked to see what they had. I looked for a long time and asked some questions honestly undecided on the issue. I nearly left without spending any money, then I surprised the sales guy I had just told I was going to head home and maybe come back monday buy saying I wanted to buy the last one I had been looking at.

The reason I bought the boat was because I wanted to. However the selling points of the boat are as follows. It is a sit inside "2 1/2 man" meaning it has seating for two adults and a child, yet its seats adjust so it can be used as a "1 man." It also has a streamlined smooth tracking design that I like and it is as good of a value as I will find on a "2 man" and I want to be able to go kayaking with other people.

So, if you wanna go kayaking just let me know.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


thursday Nov 3 and friday Nov 4 they might be Giants are playing in SF. I am headed down on Thursday, I have already requested they day off work. According to the band website the show will be different the next night but I can't quite justify going both days. So far Rosie has said she will go with me. If you are interested just let me know.


I have had a theory for a long time that the reason we must sleep is to give our brains ,which are after all electric, the chance to cool down. When we sleep, and more specifically when we dream, different neural pathways are used thus allowing the day-time portion of our brain a change to drop a chance to cool by a significant enough amount to be watched in a CT scan.

Now I could be all wet here but the science makes sense and when I am pushing my personal sleep threshold I feel warm and flushed. You see I do have a sleep threshold, even if I claim to never sleep. To this end I have long felt it is more important to keep track of the sleep you are not getting rather than the sleep you are. Hence I track my sleep as a ratio: hours slept during the past three days over 72. Due to a good nap on Friday I am currently at 16+/72 or about .22. Well rested is around .33 (8hrs a day) for me .25 is plenty for sustained operation.

You see I have reached a point where if I get “too much sleep” I don’t feel quite right. I just don’t feel I can push myself as hard and I know I think differently. Of Course the other end of the spectrum is worse when the body is trying to shut down the mind in order to protect it… this is why 3am is a bad time to right an essay.

When I don’t sleep my eyes begin to get sore and red, I find that by taking care of this with eye drops I can squeeze in a few extra productive hours. I can also feel my digestion slow down, this is similar to what is know in physiology as the sympathetic response but is called by many people the fight or flight reflex. I don’t think it is a true sympathetic response because I don’t feel the adrenaline kick in but they might be going unnoticed by me. If the adrenaline is there then it is actually possible that I am addicted to sleep deprivation, in a smaller scale but similar way that thrill seekers can “get hooked on the rush”. If you know much about my sleep habit you understand that this addiction theory is not so far fetched.

Though I have never done drugs, I compare my description of how I feel at different levels of sleep deprivation to how other people have described being high it goes something like this. Lots of sleep means I pick up visual and audio stimuli that I probably would not have noticed “normally” yet focus is not automatic. As exhaustion approaches everything becomes funnier, reflexes slow, and mind will become increasingly more “blank”. Beyond tired is a strange hung-over period, fevered, and queasy with a headache. As tired compounds I have reached a point of hallucination, thinks that are stationary appear to be moving, natural patterns change as you try and focus on them and just closing your eyes a world of clearly definable images with no correlation to reality dance in vivid colors.

I guess the bottom line of what I am trying to say here is that our bodies need sleep or else they start to do things that are more that a little weird.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

In Trouble at Work

I had a paper due on Thursday morning in my Asian History class, that as of Wednesday afternoon was not finished.

Now, by not finished I mean not started of course, so I knew I was in for a long day.
I worked that evening shift at the hotel and took my laptop with me. Experiance has taught me that I cannot study in my apartment. TV, video games, My Bed, food, Jeremy snoring, My BED, there are just way to many distractions. So the plan plan was to stick around the hotel until the paper was done. The thought that didn't go through my head was; that is against the rules and could get me fired.

I used one of the rooms that is out of order due to construction to write. I printed the paper around 4:30 am. I think it starts strong and ends strong but some of the stuff in the middle is pretty weak. Anyways I go home and head to bed and think nothing further of the above incident until friday.

I was asked to come in for an hour or so on friday afternoon because "there are some things that (the supervisor) needs to go over with everyone." I had figured I was in trouble but had guessed wrong on the why. Anyway, to jump straight to the conclussion. For violating company policy by staying on sight after hours in a suite that I was not a registered guest of, I was writen up. Honestly I had never suposed it to be nearly as serious a violation as it is.

Oh well live and learn.