I don't have a short answer to the question “what is your favorite color.”
I strongly dislike mustard.
I have learned more than I have forgotten, but not by much.
I like to watch the sunrise.
I don't have an appendix, I broke mine on my tenth birthday.
I believe in self determination, people (individually or collectively) eventually realize when their choices are not making them happy and change.
My greatest regret is the pain that I caused my mother as a teenager, through making bad choices and lying to cover them.
I don't regret the dumb choices I made in high school.
I really would rather eat pie than do just about any thing else, this is doubly true if the pie is served with ice cream.
I love sitting on swing sets and wish they would build more of them that accommodated people of my size.
I won't kiss some one unless I can tell them I love them.
I have only kissed one girl.
One of my greatest frustrations is seeing talent squandered, this might be related to the fact that I feel that I have very few talents, even though I have been told otherwise.
Winning is not everything.
My favorite word is vinyl. I don't say it that often but when I do I like the way it feels as it runs down the tongue.
If I could have any animal as a pet I would have a kinkajou.
I want to own a sailboat someday.
I generaly assume the best about people.
It bugs me when people ask what I am thinking, hence the answer I give is seldom very accurate, sometimes I try hard to put the thought into words. Other time I just say something that seems appropriate.
I understand that for a family a car is a necessity, But I hate the fact that everyone thinks they need a car. I could go months without getting in a car. Bikes just feel so much more self reliant.
I think that most of the week the commercials are the most entertaining thing on TV.
I love eating fresh fruit, I don't think I have a favorite. For a long time I said peaches were my favorite fruit but I think I like a good crisp apple, or a juicy orange just as much. Even pears plums and bananas are hard to pass by.
I admire paraplegics. I think losing the ability to walk would be so devastating to me, yet so many of the paraplegics that I know have great attitudes and so much vitality.
Danger is not my middle name but if my wife isn't near by when it is time to sign the birth certificate than it might be one of my children's.
Looking at the consolation Orion is something I find reassuring. The north star on the other hand does nothing for me.>
I find mopping floors relaxing, when I was an insomniac teenager, I would mop my mother kitchen floors in the middle of the night.>
I like learning rules, but am not that good at following them. I know the policy manual at work nearly as well as the boss does but I am too lazy to follow the rules that everyone else ignores.>
The two big papers I wrote in my college English class where on the historical and social significance of SPAM and the reasons why the Etch-A-sketch is the best toy on the market.>