Ryann and I took a three day weekend and went up to Humboldt County. The pretense for the trip was to do some research in the library at HSU for a paper she is writing, but she planned a rather full weekend and that was only an hour or two of it.
We left after work on Friday night she drove for the first hour while I got some sleep and then I drove the rest of the night. We got to Eureka about 6:00am and went to point head hoping to see the sunrise and some tide pools. The tide pools were good with lots of starfish and anemones but the marine layer was to thick to see the sun. We then went to Ryann's dads place and got a few hours sleep.
In the afternoon we went to a farmers market and the library and then had diner with Ryann's parents at her favorite Mexican restaurant. After diner She and I went for a walk downtown, then it was back to her dad's for some much needed sleep.
Sunday we slept in. Then we had breakfast and went to church. Ryann got to see a lot of people she knew from when she live up there, but some of the people she had hoped to see had already gone away to school. After church we went to the beach which was very nice. We ate diner with her dad and Kirsten (whose name I may have just butchered) then she and I went out for the evening. We went for a walk in Sequoia Park, which, in addition to huge trees, has some of the best swings I have ever been on. Then we went and visited with Ryann's aunt and uncle and went on another walk through her old neighborhood.
Monday we packed back up, in the morning and spent the afternoon at the schools. We first made a stop at College of the Redwoods where Ryann had been a student, it is a very lovely campus and not nearly as busy on the first day of school as ARC is. After we were done there we proceeded on to Humboldt State. I dropped Ryann off at the Library and then drove to the Institute on the other side of the campus. It took a while for me to find Ryann again but that was kind of the point, I could slowly look for her while she looked for information. HSU has some very cool maps in their library that slowed down my search for Ryann. By the time I found her she had decided she was just about done, She had found the book she was looking for but it couldn't be taken out of the library and it had more information than she could absorb in a timely fashion.
From the Library we went to say good bye to Ryann's Dad at his work, then began the drive back home. We stopped a few times on the way to go for a walk or get in a nap and we got back into town around 3:00 on Tuesday morning.
It was a very enjoyable trip, between the driving and the walks we went on Ryann and I had a number of very good talks. It sure was hard to go back to work on Tuesday.