My Daze in Neverland

The Adventures of Darren in Neverland and the surrounding territories

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Location: Sacramento, California, United States

I am a 27 years old, 6'3" tall, little kid. I am a full time student and Part time wandering adventurer.In august I finally went on my big hundred mile hike. I share an apartment with one of my brothers. (I have seven of them [brothers, that is, not apartments] and one sister) This year I intend to expand my adventuring repertoire to include Sailing and Canyoneering. backpacking trip this summer.

Monday, September 26, 2005

an adventure in carland

Monday was slated as a busy day. School 'til 10:50, work at 11:00, off work at 7:30 and an 8:00 hometeaching apointment... So I took the car.

I try hard not take the car. Cars don't burn calories and make you feel better about yourself (if a bit funky smelling) they burn gas and make you broke.

Yet they can help you out in a pinch.

However, I have been taking the car more than I really need to lately and I am truing to cut back.

Now, dad had used the car over the weekend to head down to Pleasanton, so monday morning it was pretty low on gas. I didn't notice that little factoid until after class while headed to work... the gage was below "E".

David is careful not to let the gage go below "E"

But, I should be able to get to work and after work I can get some gas less then a block from the hotel.

On Exposition I can feel the engine lurch thirstily... only a few blocks I should be fine.

As I turn onto Hurley I feel it again... I'll cut through TGI Friday's parking lot and If it dies I can leave it there walk the last block or so to work and call in some back up.

Easy does it and I'm back on Howe.

I am on fumes as I pull in at work but hey, gas station is right there so no problem.

After work I head out to the car. Problem

I turn the ignition. It coughs once. Nothing.

Matt says he has no gas can. Jeff has already gone home. Hmmm.

In the hotel there is a long term guest who works at a construction site just across from the hotel. I knock on his door and ask if he has access to an empty gas can I could borrow. We walk over to the jobsite and he grabs a three gallon gas can heads back to the car puts all three gallons in the tank and tells me not to worry about it.


However, it is now 8:10. if you look up at the days itinerary you will note that I am now 10 min. late to hometeach Megan at the stake center. I make a series of calls as I drive. (MAYBE cell phones aren't so bad after all... but then again nobody is answering theirs so maybe they are.) Eventually I ring the stake center and discover Family Home Evening is still running, it should be wrapping up about the time I get there. I take a deep breath and enjoy the light show in the sky. Thunder and Lightning all over the place it was pretty and places another point firmly on the side of cars.

I home teach Megan and Crystle Miller. The lesson goes well, I am not C$s home teacher but she says she hasn't been visited since I switched her from Jason to decaf, so I oblige her. Afterwards I head to the gas station. $1.87 a gallon, hey I like to bike in the rain.


Blogger Miss Crystal said...

first of all - it's CrystAL not CrystLE ;) next sorry about not answering, I saw it ringing and didn't bother to go see who it was. :D

October 04, 2005 6:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

In Tennessee it is illegal to catch a fish with a lasso

October 23, 2005 11:53 PM  

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