My Daze in Neverland

The Adventures of Darren in Neverland and the surrounding territories

My Photo
Location: Sacramento, California, United States

I am a 27 years old, 6'3" tall, little kid. I am a full time student and Part time wandering adventurer.In august I finally went on my big hundred mile hike. I share an apartment with one of my brothers. (I have seven of them [brothers, that is, not apartments] and one sister) This year I intend to expand my adventuring repertoire to include Sailing and Canyoneering. backpacking trip this summer.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

bowling and other stuff that cost money

Last thursday I got off work early and decided I should hang out with Rosie and Crystal, so after phoning and waiting and driving the three of us ended up at Country Club Lanes, Sacramento's cool bowling alley. Now I don't go bowling often but it seems most places still charge per person per game, Country Club charges per person per hour and it adds up fast. Our total came to $55 and we only bowled two games.

Anyways, enough whinning about the cost, I had alot of fun, and actually bowled fairly well after I slowed down and tried to remember how to make the ball go where you want it to. Rosie, who had chosen bowling, didn't do as well. Her wrist was bothering her and the bad frames got her in a minor funk. Crystal is the only person I know that owns her own bowling shoes and wrist guard, but the second game I still beat her. After Bowling I went with rosie back to her place where we watched Zoolander. I had not seen it and was surprised that I found it quite funny since I don't like most of Ben Stiller or Will Farrell's movie. Then I slept on the floor at Rosies.

Friday morning Rosie and I worked out and then went swimming. I will never really remember how quickly I can sunburn, we spent only an hour at the pool an I still ended up with pink shoulders. Following the pool I really should have taken a nap in preparation for working the over night shift, but I went with Rosie to the bead store instead.

The bead store is the kind of place where somebody should propably be holding my hand and watching my every move because it is full of little open topped cups of little tiny sparkly things some of which LOOK like they might taste very good. I managed to get out of the store without breaking anything, losing anything or doing any damage.

After the bead store we went to lunch/diner at a place in Folsom called BJ's I was impressed with the food but their draft root beer was not any better then the stuff in a can. I had a bbq beef sandwich and Rosie had the "not quite a cobb salad." We both left full and happy.

After a serious round of phone tag we procurred two tickets for a play downtown that my long time friend, Suz, and a member of my ward, Jeff, are playing in. It would have been three tickets but Crystal decide she needed to stay home and spend some quality time with her cat (I am not joking, she really love that cat.) It was really good to see Suz, but right after the show
I had to head into work for an over night shift.

I was training a new guy to so not only was it the night shift but I couldn't do any of my usual distractions (blogging reading etc.) I am embaraced to admit that I actually fell asleep leaning against the wall While john was working on the nightly spreadsheets. by the time mourning rolled around I was definatly ready for bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you hoopy frood! how do you end up with all this time to post your journal and no time to reply to my emails?

August 10, 2005 12:11 PM  

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